History of 03 January 2024, What Happened on January 3, 2024

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History of 03 January – Consistently something occurs on the planet which turns into a significant history like making a record in the game’s world, birth and demise of a celebrity, significant long periods of today, creations in science, and so forth. There have been numerous major verifiable occasions in India and this present reality, which have been referenced in the pages of history even today.

History of 03 January 2024, What Happened on January 3, 2024

History of 03 January 1831 to 1980

1831: Birth of Savitribai Phule, the first female teacher of India.

1836: Munshi Naval Kishore was born. He published more than five thousand books in different languages.

1880: The first issue of ‘Illustrated Weekly of India’ was published in Bombay.

1894: Rabindranath Tagore inaugurated ‘Poush Mela’ in Santiniketan.

1901: Brahmacharya Ashram opened in Santiniketan.

1911: The Postal Savings Bank was opened in the United States.

1929: Mahatma Gandhi meets Lord Irwin.

1938: US President Franklin D. Roosevelt established a foundation to find a cure for polio. Roosevelt was hit by the disease in 1921.

1956: Fire damages the upper part of the Eiffel Tower in France.

1959: Alaska was declared the 49th state of the United States.

1968: Launch of the country’s first meteorological rocket ‘Maneka’.

1969: Famous Formula One car racer Michael Schumacher was born. Schumacher won the Formula One race a record seven times. Later Lewis Hamilton equaled his record. 1974: The Constitution of Burma (now Myanmar) was adopted.

1977: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple. Later it became one of the world’s most valuable companies.

1980: Afghan President Babrak Karmal justified the Soviet invasion. 1993: The United States and Russia agreed that they would halve their nuclear weapons stockpiles.

History of 03 January 2001 to 2020

History of 03 January 2024, What Happened on January 3, 2024

2001: Hillary Clinton was sworn in as a senator from New York. She is the first former first lady in the history of the country to win an electoral victory.

2004: The spacecraft rover Spirit landed on Mars to study the chemical and physical composition of the planet.

2004: Egyptian aviation company Flash Airlines’ Boeing 737 aircraft 604 crashed, killing all 148 people aboard.

2005: The US announced Rs 6.2 crore to provide clean water to the tsunami victims in Tamil Nadu.

2013: A suicide bombing in Iraq’s Musayyib region killed 27 people of the Shia community and wounded 60.

2014: Al Qaeda extremists damaged the police headquarters in Fallujah, Iraq, declaring the area an independent zone, claiming it to be under their control.

2015: Terrorist organization Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria’s northeastern city of Baga, about 2000 people die.

2020: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 107th session of the Indian Science Congress in Bengaluru. The theme of the Indian Science Congress-2020 was “Science and Technology for Rural Development”.

Also Read: The Old Man and the Sea By. Earnest Hemingway, JSSC CGL 2024 Examination, English Paper -II

Author: Jainul

Hiii !! I am Jainul a passionate hotelier with a deep obsession for all things new and exciting. From the latest gadgets to the trendiest cars, I always try to stay up to date with the latest trends. When not managing hotel operation, I can be found exploring new culinary experiences or discovering hidden gems in tourist destinations. With an insatiable curiosity, I always on the lookout for the next big thing in technology, travel, and gastronomy.

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